Monday, January 8, 2007

Your Ideas

What ideas do you have for making the Meeting more valuable/useful to you?


Kurt Gaebel said...

Who would be interested in joining a trip to Washington on the January 27 weekend, including the complete families, kids, etc.?

There is a march on Washington to protest Bush's new Iraq plan. We could recruit our locals and arrange for a cheap bus trip.

Stephen Tonjes said...

I don't believe we'll go, but here's a group that may have a bus for you.

Roger said...

Good evening Kurt,
Great idea this blog and a chance to share with everybody.
I am very much interested in adding my voice of protest to our President's latest acts of imperialism. I need to know the bus arrangement particulars.

Roger said...

Good evening Kurt,
Great idea this blog and a chance to share with everybody.
I am very much interested in adding my voice of protest to our President's latest acts of imperialism. I need to know the bus arrangement particulars.

Roger said...

Good evening Kurt,
Great idea this blog and a chance to share with everybody.
I am very much interested in adding my voice of protest to our President's latest acts of imperialism. I need to know the bus arrangement particulars.

Roger said...

Good evening Kurt,
What a great ida this blog. I sure want to add my voice of protest to this crazy war. What are the bus particulars?